Ink and Watercolor sketch of octopus. Normally I start with a pencil outline, then go over it with micron pens. But I'm learning to skip the pencil step and just sketch with ink. I helps you not to overthink things. Once you lay the ink line down on the paper it's there to stay. You can't erase and there isn't an undo like you have when working digitally. You just have to work around any "mistakes" you make. I'm also working on sketching faster because I just don't have that much free time these days. Trying to produce a new sketch every day is a real challenge.
This sketch is of my favourite junk art yard in Porthleven (where I currently live)- called Wreckers Studio. Not often you get to see a mermaid riding a horse...
This is a commissioned doodle illustrating someone’s dreams. This was drawn with a fineliner on A1 paper with no pencilling or pre-planning. As you can tell!